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Axe Core Guide

Remove the http-equiv="refresh" attribute from each meta element in which it is present.

Example of invalid code:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60" url="">

Automatic page refreshing can be disorienting for users since they do not anticipate it. Moreover, refreshing the page causes the focus to reset to the top of the page, resulting in user frustration.

Redirection and page refreshing using the <meta> element can cause issues for users with disabilities. The primary reason for this is the lack of user control over the timing of the redirection or refresh. If the goal of the <meta> element is to redirect users to a new location, server-side methods should be used instead of client-side methods. Moving or updating content can present challenges for users who struggle to read stationary text quickly or track moving objects, and it can also cause difficulties for screen readers.

If the intention of the <meta> element is to refresh the page, it is recommended to handle it using JavaScript. Additionally, incorporate additional scripting to provide users with options to pause the refresh, increase the time between refreshes, or disable the refresh entirely.

What this Accessibility Rule Checks

Checks for the presence of the http-equiv=”refresh” attribute on the meta elements.

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